Case Kerava Energy


Concrete emission savings with oil performance optimization

Case Kerava Energy bio power plant

Optimizing oil performance in co-operation with Fluid Intelligence produces tangible emission savings for Kerava Energia's biopower plant.

Keravan Energia has been using a sustainable development model for a long time. The model is based on maintaining oils performance and avoiding unnecessary oil changes. In addition to increased oil change intervals, the company has benefited in terms of reduced costs, resource needs and especially reduced CO2 emissions. The amount of savings is considerable, as only about a third of the previous amount of oil is changed annually.

Small actions lead to big savings

At Keravan Energia’s bio power plant, the performance of gearbox oils is maintained with specially designed cleaning machines based on monitoring data. In practice, the operational condition of the oils can be maintained with small resources, avoiding unnecessary oil changes, and resources can be focused on more critical areas. Long-term monitoring has also revealed problematic machinery with high oil stress. These have been systematically addressed with new technical solutions, reducing the statistical failure rate.

Keravan Energia monitors the performance of transmission and hydraulic oils in cooperation with Fluid Intelligence and aims to keep the oils in good condition for as long as possible. This reduces the need for oil changes and ensures that the machinery operates efficiently and reliably. The plant has succeeded in reducing the amount of waste oil generated by up to 1000 liters annually, leading to an annual reduction of about 4 tons of CO2. This is > 60% less compared to the previous waste oil levels.

Taking sustainable development models to practice

Keravan Energia is a pioneer in resource-efficient oil maintenance in the industry. The company's operating model is excellent, bringing significant benefits to the reliability and performance of the plant's machinery. The company has shown that sustainable development models are feasible and bring significant benefits to the company and environment.

In the past, maintenance of machinery was scheduled, and it led to a significant amount of oil changes. Monitoring machinery and maintaining oils has helped to improve performance and extend the oil change intervals considerably, says Production Manager Mikko Juvonen at Keravan Energia.

Simple and cost-effective monitoring can produce considerable overall economic savings in operational activities. CO2 emissions also decrease significantly with reduced oil waste streams. These are investments that pay off quickly, reflects Viktor Laitinen from Fluid Intelligence.

Read more about Keravan Energy
Read more about Fluid Intelligence services


Reducing oil consumption is an important step for the environment. Traditional mineral oil is a non-renewable natural resource, so every liter not changed is an environmental action. By utilizing existing investments and resources wisely, significant savings can be achieved.


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